Empowering Students Through Real Actions and Local Wisdom: Integrating Climate Change Education for Sustainability


climate change
chemistry education
hands-on learning
environmental awareness

How to Cite

Saptono Nugrohadi. (2025). Empowering Students Through Real Actions and Local Wisdom: Integrating Climate Change Education for Sustainability. Proceeding International Conference on Digital Education and Social Science, 2(1), 458–464. https://doi.org/10.55506/icdess.v2i1.103


This article explores the integration of climate change education into chemistry lessons at SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga. The objective is to enhance students' environmental awareness and encourage their active participation in sustainability initiatives. Methods include implementing project-based learning, practical experiments, and collaborative discussions. Results reveal increased student understanding of concepts like the carbon cycle, greenhouse effect, and air pollution through hands-on activities and interdisciplinary approaches. These findings highlight the critical role of chemistry education in fostering environmental responsibility among students.



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